Cannavaro Injured


Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
Italy captain Cannavaro injured in training

<!-- end story header --><!-- begin left column --> <!-- begin page tools --> Updated: June 2, 2008, 1:26 PM ET
<!-- end page tools --><!-- begin story body --> <!-- pos: 183 -->VIENNA, June 2 (Reuters) - Italy captain Fabio Cannavaro was taken to hospital after suffering an ankle injury in Italy's first Euro 2008 training session in Austria on Monday.
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="300"><tbody><tr><td> <!-- new alias = NA_euro2008_uefaeuro_story_300x250 --> <!-- new key = 162+story;kvpagetype=story;kvcc=NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvaid=541895;grp=6366554 --> <!--JavaScript Tag // Tag for network 605: ESPN TN // Website: ESPN SC Keyword Site // Page: All // Placement: 300 X 250 (1181107) --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript1.1" src="|3.0|605|1181107|0|170|ADTECH;loc=100;target=_blank;key=euro2008+story+uefaeuro+162+NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvpagetype=story;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvcc=NA;grp=6366554;misc='+new Date().getTime()+'"></scri'+'pt>'); //--></script><script language="javascript1.1" src=";loc=100;target=_blank;key=euro2008+story+uefaeuro+162+NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvpagetype=story;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvcc=NA;grp=6366554;misc=1212428117685"></script> <noscript> </noscript> <!-- End of JavaScript Tag --> </td></tr></tbody></table> The defender collided with Giorgio Chiellini and was carried off on a stretcher. 'We will have to see but it is not nothing. It will take at least 12 hours to assess the injury,' national team doctor Paolo Zeppilli told reporters. 'At times there is a lot of pain but then the situation doesn't seem so serious. The thing that we need to know is whether or not the bone has been injured.' The world champions flew into their base south of Vienna earlier on Monday. Italy face the Netherlands in their first Group C match in Berne on June 9 before playing Romania and France.

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
Looks like he is done

Italy captain Cannavaro out of Euro 2008?

<!-- end story header --><!-- begin left column --> <!-- begin page tools --> Updated: June 2, 2008, 4:05 PM ET
<!-- end page tools --><!-- begin story body --> <!-- pos: 161 -->VIENNA, June 2 (Reuters) - Italy captain Fabio Cannavaro looks likely to miss Euro 2008 after suffering an ankle injury on Monday, Italian media reported.
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="300"><tbody><tr><td> <!-- new alias = NA_euro2008_uefaeuro_story_300x250 --> <!-- new key = 162+story;kvpagetype=story;kvcc=NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvaid=541895;grp=2407791 --> <!--JavaScript Tag // Tag for network 605: ESPN TN // Website: ESPN SC Keyword Site // Page: All // Placement: 300 X 250 (1181107) --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript1.1" src="|3.0|605|1181107|0|170|ADTECH;loc=100;target=_blank;key=euro2008+story+uefaeuro+162+NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvpagetype=story;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvcc=NA;grp=2407791;misc='+new Date().getTime()+'"></scri'+'pt>'); //--></script><script language="javascript1.1" src=";loc=100;target=_blank;key=euro2008+story+uefaeuro+162+NA;kvsection=euro2008;kvpagetype=story;kvleague=uefaeuro;kvclub=162;kvcc=NA;grp=2407791;misc=1212440571688"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><center><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><center> </center></center> <noscript> </noscript> <!-- End of JavaScript Tag --> </td></tr></tbody></table> The defender was taken to hospital after colliding with Giorgio Chiellini in Italy's first training session in Austria. '(Cannavaro) has damage to ligaments in his left ankle,' Vienna hospital doctor Franz Maria Kainberger told ANSA news agency. 'It is possible Cannavaro will have to be operated on.' An Italian football federation spokesman said it was too early to assess the damage. However, Cannavaro told reporters: 'I'm going home.' The world champions flew into their base south of Vienna earlier on Monday. Italy face the Netherlands in their first Group C match in Berne on June 9 before playing Romania and France.

Twisted - but gifted - Serie A analyst
Sep 26, 2006
Chiellini....need to say more.

He's a Gattuso without the good hair. Highly overated with below average speed, and below average foot work. Much like that other huge Milan dick head Ambrosini.

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
Chiellini....need to say more.

He's a Gattuso without the good hair. Highly overated with below average speed, and below average foot work. Much like that other huge Milan dick head Ambrosini.

According to the Gazzetta they brought in Gamberini, not Bonera. Also make it sound like Barzagli was starting next to him for sure and not Materazzi. Now, below is the google translation of the GDS article, doesn't give much of an indication whether it will be Materazzi, Chiellini or Panucci starting. Tend to agree with you re Chiellini, but he is better than the other two. First fucking phone call should have been a begging one to Nesta. This is really, really bad. The one god damn position they couldn't afford to lose someone.

Italy is already after Cannavaro
Arriva Gamberini, chi gioca?​
Arriva Gamberini, who plays?

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La risonanza magnetica ha fermato il capitano: lesione ai legamenti della caviglia sinistra.​
The magnetic resonance blocked the captain: lesion in the left ankle ligaments.
Lui non drammatizza: "Resto ottimista anche in momenti così".​
He is not dramatic: "I remain optimistic even in moments so."
Sarà convocato il centrale della Fiorentina, con l'Olanda tante le possibili soluzioni: Panucci, Materazzi o Chiellini​
It will be called the heart of Fiorentina, with the Netherlands many possible solutions: Panucci, Materazzi or Chiellini

Fabio Cannavaro, 34 anni, esce dal campo di allenamento in barella.​
Fabio Cannavaro, 34 years, leaves the field of training in stretcher. Ansa

VIENNA (Austria), 2 giugno 2008 - La diagnosi è micidiale: "lesione ai legamenti della caviglia sinistra".​
VIENNA (Austria), June 2, 2008 - The diagnosis is deadly: "lesion to the left ankle ligaments."
Fabio Cannavaro dice addio agli Europei ancora prima di cominciare.​
Fabio Cannavaro says goodbye to Europeans even before you begin.
La risonanza magnetica a cui è stato sottoposto all'ospedale Akh di Vienna hanno confermato la gravità dell'infortunio.​
The magnetic resonance that has been subjected to the hospital Akh Vienna have confirmed the seriousness dell'infortunio.
Probabile addirittura un intervento chirurgico, ma sarà il Real Madrid a prendere le decisioni definitive.​
Probable even surgery, but it will be Real Madrid to take the final decisions.
Il capitano della Nazionale ha abbandonato l'ospedale in autoambulanza diretto a Baden.​
The captain of the national team has left the hospital in ambulance aimed at Baden.
Un sorriso amaro, ma fedele al personaggio.​
A bitter smile, but true to character.
Niente Europei?​
Nothing Europeans?
Cannavaro apparentemente non ha drammatizzato: "Io sono un ottimista anche in momenti come questi", ha sussurrato, sottolineando che la botta è stata veramente dura.​
Cannavaro apparently did not drammatizzato: "I am an optimist even in times like these," he whispered, pointing out that the botta was really hard.
GAMBERINI - Per Roberto Donadoni una tegola che pesa come un macigno.​
GAMBERINI - Roberto Donadoni a tile that weighs like a boulder.
Perdere un elemento come Cannavaro, il capitano, il simbolo della vittoria mondiale, il collante della difesa e dell'intera squadra, è un colpo duro da digerire.​
Losing an item as Cannavaro, the captain, the symbol of victory worldwide, the glue of the defence and the team, is a blow hard to digest.
Arriverà Gamberini, ma è innegabile che senza l'apporto del veterano azzurro, l'Italia perde una tessera difficilmente sostituibile.​
He will Gamberini, but it is undeniable that without the contribution of veteran blue, Italy loses a card hardly replaceable.
LACRIME - E pensare che il pomeriggio era iniziato bene, con un bagno di folla nello stadio dell'Admira Wacker.​
LACRIME - And to think that the afternoon had begun well, with a bath of crowd in the stadium dell'Admira Wacker.
Italiani e austriaci accorsi per applaudire i campioni del mondo, fino a quell'incredibile scontro in allenamento fra Chiellini e il capitano.​
Italians and Austrians realized to applaud the world champions until quell'incredibile clash between training Chiellini and the captain.
Un contrasto duro.​
A contrast hard.
E l'urlo di Cannavaro che è rotolato a terra fino a bordo campo.​
And the scream of Cannavaro that is rolled up ground on board.
Tra le lacrime, con un ematoma vistoso al polpaccio sinistro a cui si è aggiunto un trauma distorsivo, il difensore è stato trasportato all'ospedale di Moedling, una struttura insufficiente però per approfondire gli esami.​
Between the tears, with an eye to haematoma left calf which has added an injury-distorting, the defender was transported to the hospital of Moedling, a structure, however, insufficient to deepen the examinations.
Così il medico azzurro Paolo Zeppilli ha deciso il trasporto nel gigantesco complesso ospedaliero di Vienna dove è stata accertata la gravità dell'infortunio.​
So the doctor blue Paolo Zeppilli decided on transport in the giant hospital complex in Vienna where she was found to gravity dell'infortunio.
SOLUZIONI - E adesso per Donadoni si apre una nuova stagione.​
SOLUTIONS - And now for Donadoni opens a new season.
Dover rinunciare a Cannavaro sarebbe stato l'ultimo dei suoi pensieri.​
Dover renounce Cannavaro was the last of his thoughts.
Tra l'altro la Nazionale viene a perdere il suo baluardo proprio nel momento in cui la difesa ha mostrato qualche crepa.​
Among other things, the National is to lose its bulwark just when the defense showed some crack.
Vuoi per la non perfetta forma di Materazzi, soprattutto per la mancanza di materiale di prima classe.​
Would you like for non-perfect form of Materazzi, especially the lack of material first class.
Barzagli ha mostrato carattere e personalità, ma senza Cannavaro viene a perdere una sorta di tutor; la chioccia in grado di proteggerlo.​
Barzagli has shown character and personality, but without losing Cannavaro is a kind of tutor, the brooder able to protect it.
Arriverà Gamberini, ma Donadoni, potendo contare su due esterni come Grosso e Zambrotta, non sorprenderebbe se chiedesse a Panucci di giocare da centrale.​
He will Gamberini, but Donadoni, relying on two external Grosso and Zambrotta not be surprised if asked to play by Panucci of Central Asia.
O ancora, mantenere il romanista a destra e schierare Chiellini in mezzo con Barzagli.​
Or, keep romanista right and deploy Chiellini in half with Barzagli.
Ipotesi suggestiva, mentre appare più credibile quella con Materazzi, alla ricerca di un grande riscatto stile mondiale.​
Assumptions suggestive, while it appears more credible than with Materazzi, looking for a big ransom style world.
FASCIA - Resta da decidere a chi assegnare la fascia da capitano.​
RANGE - remains to be deciding who to assign the band from captain.
Buffon è il più serio candidato, ma se guardiamo le presenze in azzurro Del Piero la fa da padrone, ammesso che giochi.​
Buffon is the most serious candidate, but if we look presences in blue Del Piero ago by the master, admitted that games.
A Donadoni l'ultima decisione.​
A Donadoni last decision.
dal nostro inviato Gaetano DeStefano​
sent by our Gaetano DeStefano

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
This really f*ing ruined my day.

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Just read the gazzetta. Fuck, we really didnt need this. If only Nesta was still available. A central partnership of Nesta and Barzagli would work really well but unfortunately that cant happen. I dont wanna see either Chiellini or Materazzi back there so I say go with Barzagli and Gamberini. The gazzetta also suggest that Panucci could be another option but dont think I would feel too comfortable with that either.

Some key injuries popping up in group c now. Babel is out for Holland, Cannavaro out for Italy and Viera is curently injured for France and is out of their first match against Romania.

Hopefully Barzagli and Gamberini are allowed to start and I am sure they will strike up a good partnership.

Sempre Forza Italia!

Does Mickey Mantle Pay Your Rent
Apr 15, 2008
Not sure what you guys are saying but with out cannavaro italys defense is still solid. Dont get me wrong he is a big loss but i think a defense of zambrotta, barzagli, grosso, materazi, panucci,and chellini, is still a world class defense. You guys are all putting down panucci he is a veteran defender he has been playin on the italian national team for many years. And come on we still got our solid midfield of de rossi, pirlio, cameronisi(if not playin foward) and gattuso.. Forza Azzuri if we could win the world cup when our team was a mess they can pull it out in this euro cup

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
IMO, it is a huge loss b/c of his likely replacement, Materazzi. He is a massive liability, both in ability and reputation. Look at the Liverpool champions league game, those were both reputation yellows that cost Inter greatly (ultimately leading to them being eliminated). He is a hack with a bad reputation, can't have that shit on the field.

I hear you Don, it isn't the end of the tournament, but if there was one player they couldn't afford to lose (due to cover and likely replacement), it was Cannavaro.

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